ETSI | Telecom Standards | Simon Hicks | Chairman, ETSI General Assembly | Get Me Experts

Mr. Simon Hicks, Chairman, ETSI General Assembly, he leads on ICT technical standards policy for the UK government and is based in the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). Mr. Simon Hicks was interviewed by Mr. Ajay Sharma- Founder of “Get Me Experts”. during 3rd Indo_European Conference on Standards and Emerging Technology was organised by SESEI ( on 26th April’2018 at Hotel The Lalit. During the interview he discussed the domain area in which ETSI is operating, how collaboration of standards works across the world and how they bring synchronization between different protocols of M2M. The Seconded European Standardization Expert for India (SESEI) project is launched in March 2013. Its general objective is to raise awareness on the European Standardization System, values and assets in India. The project is supported and operated by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) and the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), as well as by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Enterprise and Industry (EC DG ENTR) and by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). About Get Me Experts: "Get Me Experts" is a global platform to find expert consultants in various areas of the business process for advisory services, short-term deployment as well as for market research assignments for investments. To know more, Visit Email: Facebook: Twitter: @get_me_experts Linkedin: Video Sharing Site: @Elenacencenelec @CenClcIntCoop @Standards4EU @euprojectsesei3, @standards4EU, @ETSI_STANDARDS, @EU_Growth, @EFTAsecretariat, @CII_IQ @dineshcsharma71 #ICT #M2M #IoT #SmartCities #CyberSecurity#InternetOfThings #EUINStandards #euroindostandards #SmartEnergy #SmartGrid #SmartMeters #MicroGrid #emobility #ITS #transport #Automotive


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